Are You Ready For The Most Astrologically Powerful Day Of 2022?

As much as we love the natural world around us at Happy Valley Norfolk, we also absolutely love everything about our universe and astrology, because it has such an impact on our lives on Earth. Every year on the 8th of August, the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth all align to form what is widely known as The Lion’s Gate Portal. It's a hugely significant astrological phenomenon that provides an opportunity to manifest more abundance than you could ever imagine. Are you curious to learn more about what this means for you? Here's an insight into the Lion's Gate portal and how to use its powerful energy.

The Power Of The Number 8

In numerology and astrology, the number 8 is a powerhouse. It stands out most in terms of the houses and signs of the zodiac and it acts as a bridge between the material and spiritual realms. There is no wonder why the 8th day of the 8th month is so super powerful. The date opens up an enchanting spiritual window for all zodiac signs to set intentions, embrace abundance, and create new beginnings. Just imagine all you’ve been manifesting put under a magnifying glass by the universe… prepare yourself for a bit of a blastoff. So what could you do to make the most of it?

Lean Into Your Inner Leo (Whatever Your Sign May Be)

This fire-ruled sign is known for confidence and courage just like a lion. Leo season allows us to feed our passions, live loudly and unapologetically, and fan the flame of our desires. It's also the season of celebration, so do things that make you feel your best and celebrate yourself! Whether in self-care, dancing around, meditating or exercising; whatever makes you feel good about yourself, do it! In order for you to get the most out of this divine time, feeling good and letting go of your doubts are key.

Remind Yourself You Deserve Your Desires & Let Go Of Your Doubts

A massive factor in manifesting and spiritual growth is having faith in yourself and having faith in what is on its way to you. We all deserve abundance and the universe is brimming with it for absolutely everyone, it just needs you to open your door and welcome that abundance into your life. For you to get the most out of this divine time, feeling good and letting go of your doubts are key. Because when we feel good, we let out high vibrational vibes and guess what - the universe returns us with more situations to feel great about and during The Lions Gate Portal - those vibes are multiplied even more so.

Set The Bar High For Your Intentions & Prepare For Big Shifts

Sirius is well known for being the brightest star in the night sky (twice the size of our sun) and is considered to be the sun of the spiritual world. It will be at its most powerful this Monday, with its highest vibrational energy pushing on our manifestations, awakenings and growth. Take a moment alone when you are relaxed to write down your manifestations; I like to do this after a relaxing bath or a long walk, so that I have refreshed mindset. As you jot down your desires for what you want to bring into your life, try to visualise them. Visualisation can be a great tool to get over your manifesting blocks and can help us focus on positive things. What is your reaction when your intention manifests? With Leo's sun amplifying our passionate side and Sirius representing wealth and abundance, now is the time to dream BIG. Set your intentions high and prepare for some absolute magic in your life.

Practice Your Gratitude

Lastly but certainly still one of the most important; be filled with gratitude. Even if it’s the smallest thing you can find each day to be grateful for, focus on that feeling of appreciation and it will grow daily. The more we are thankful for the more the universe will give us to be thankful for. This practice is fantastic for our mental and physical health, it can also help us sleep better and improve our self-esteem. Do the things that make you happy to help your heart open and expand to a world of possibilities.

There is never a wrong time to practise appreciation, lean into love or focus on anything you want to manifest. However, in the instance of the August 8 Lion's Gate portal, it's possible that your endeavours may be enhanced beyond your wildest expectations.

At Happy Valley Norfolk we love to welcome those into our whimsical woodland looking for a space for yoga retreats, forest bathing and spiritual groups. The woodland is full of energy throughout the year whatever the season may be, each brings its own divine forces, moon phases and uniqueness. To get in touch please email us via the contact information on this website.

Our whimsical woodland and Willow Island are a dreamland, for harnessing the powers of the Earth and the universe

Something wonderful and magical is about to happen - are you ready?

Manifesting and cleansing our crystals with the power of nature at Happy Valley

How You Can Be A Wardrobe Warrior & Help Save Our Planet

Did you know that the fashion industry and production make up around 10% of humanity's carbon emissions? Sustainable fashion refers to clothing and textiles that have been created in a way that is mindful of the vast environmental issues the fashion industry touches on. The good news is, by working together we can lower these effects, by making simple changes to the way we shop and what we wear.

You don't need to throw everything out of your wardrobe and replace it with a full sustainable line. It isn't as difficult as you may think to get started on a sustainable wardrobe and it's worth it for the future of our planet. Here are some key factors we can be mindful of is;

  • Take care of your clothes and the world at the same time - By buying higher quality items, our brains automatically want to look after them better. Buying less but better quality is much better than buying hauls of cheap items. With the warmer and sunnier days, we can hang washing out instead of tumbler drying, this will prolong the life of your clothes and reduce energy usage from indoors. At Happy Valley, we also love to use the brand Ecover in our laundry room. This is an eco-friendly cleaning brand, made from plant and mineral-based ingredients.

  • If you can choose a more ethical brand, why not try it? - When buying online apart from looking at reviews, do you ever really take note about where those clothes are made? What are the working conditions like? Is it a brand hoping for a more sustainable future or are they just greenwashing?

  • What to do with them when we no longer want them? - Instead of a trip to the bin, how about a trip to the local charity shop? And who knows while your there what you may find for yourself! Personally I love charity shops, I have found so many great items in them and lots of things that were new or nearly new, even designer items.

  • Trans-seasonal items are the way forward- The problem isn’t exactly fast fashion, it’s also down to how much your going to use that item. When shopping think about how much use you will get out of it. Instead of shelling out on the latest trends, opt for timeless pieces that can work in any season.

In the current climate of the world, more and more brands are recognising the importance of looking after our environment. Luxury brand Chloé plans on increasing its lower impact materials and fair trade sourcing across all categories by 2025.​ In their 2021 AW collection, more than 80% of the collection's cashmere yarn was recycled and over 50% of silk was derived from organic agriculture.

We at Happy Valley love educating ourselves on ways to be more environmentally friendly because there is always something new to learn and something we can improve on. We also like to influence our guests and social media followers with useful tips, so if you have any, please share them in the comments section below.